Welcome to the 2024-2025 Skating Season!
Check out the current programs available in the Registration tab
There is one vacant position on the Lakeside Figure Skating Executive. Commitment is minimal. Meetings are prescheduled for the season and generally last about half an hour. In order for our club to maintain good standing, we must recruit to all positions. Each position is two seasons in length and you will receive a $150 credit after the 2 year term has been fulfilled. If you feel that you may be able to help us out, please let us know.
Vacant Positions: Fundraising Coordinator
Did you know... Lakeside Figure Skating Club is celebrating 45 years of membership with Skate Canada
You may….Skate alone. Skate in pairs. Skate with a team. Skate with hundreds. Skate for fun. Skate to win. Skate to travel. Skate to exercise. Skate to excel. Skate to relax. But you’ll always… #SkateWithUs.